Saturday, September 6, 2008

I spy

I had to pick my nephew Noah up from school the other day and whenever I pick him up, we play "I spy" on the way home. Well, let me tell you, the game of "I spy" certainly has changed from when I was little (and yes, I can hear you all groaning because I'm too young to tell those "when I was younger" stories). He introduced me to the new version (I Spy 2.0) in which you get points for answering, but the points decline with each guess (first guess 10, second guess 5 and so on...). Then apparently you redeem these points to buy these things called "power ups". These power ups then allow you to change something in your clue to trick the person guessing. For example if you are describing a tree you could say I spy something blue and tall, etc. And on top of that you can buy a small, medium, or large power up and those govern the number of words that you are allowed to change in your clue. The game that I grew up playing apparently got eaten by some new-fangled (yes, I know I just used new-fangled) video game or something.
By the time he got done explaining all the new rules and tricks to me, we were at his house.

Whatever happened to plain ol' I spy?


Unknown said...

See?! This is why I don't play with children. ;-)

Charity said...

Wow. That's really tricky. Guess even my kids are too old for the "new" version of I spy. Power ups?

Andrea said...

Yeah, it's not good for the ego when a 6 year old is getting frustrated at having to explain all of the rules over and over.....