Saturday, January 2, 2010


I present my first loaves of bread made with my wonderful mixer! They aren't perfectly shaped or rounded on top but man do they ever make up for it in taste. I was eating warm slices slathered in butter last night. This is probably not aiding my mission of losing a few pounds in time for trying on wedding dresses next week, but it was so worth it. I look forward to making many many more loaves.

In other news, my ring came in a whole week earlier than it was supposed to! The woman at Bremer's (her name is Dee-highly recommend her if you need anything jewelry related) called and said the goldsmith was going to be done with it at about 4:30, but Jeff's brother leaves work at 5:00 so I was good & patient and told Jeff we could wait until next week to get it. But his brother offered to stay late until we got back from picking it up so we rushed out to the North end of town and I was able to start the new year off as a properly engaged woman :) So yay! Hope you like it :) (please ignore my dry, cracked, red hands that are sorely in need of a manicure-I conveniently cropped my sad fingernails out of the picture)

So bread and a ring-not a bad start to 2010!

1 comment:

Charity said...

Nice. Both the ring and the bread : ).