Friday, July 11, 2008

Double rainbow & diplomatic brownies

Today it only rained for a very short time but nevertheless we were treated to a double rainbow outside of the hardware store.

On another interesting note, Jeff and I both LOVE brownies. However, I like mine with walnuts and no icing, and he prefers his with no walnuts and lots of icing. I had made a peach cobbler for my parents and since you're not supposed to return an empty pan, they made a half and half pan of brownies for us. My parents the peacemakers. I think all of the worlds problems could be solved with some diplomatic brownies :)


Charity said...

I experienced the rain, but missed the rainbow today. Glad I got to enjoy it on your blog anyway!!

Unknown said...

Nuts are dumb in brownies. It's what my parents do. Although I'm not sure frosting is better. What happened to just the normal crackly top and brownie goodness?!