Monday, September 29, 2008

my guy

Okay I know I don't post much about Jeff (he hates having his picture taken so I figured if I talk to much about him and fail to provide proof, you will all be talking about me and clucking your tongues about how sad it is that she has to invent a boyfriend to talk about...) but I just need to write a short post to say that I am indeed thankful for him.
Without going into too much detail I had a moment of pure crazy yesterday that fit right in with every stereotype of "nutjob girlfriend". During my moment of insanity, I was very aware that I was being unreasonable and indeed psycho, but refused to cave out of sheer spite.
Rather than declaring me a looney, he simply gave me a hug(while I was still trying to work out in my head how the situation was HIS fault..) and a kiss and left to work on his duck blind and came home for supper later like nothing happened.
I think I shall bake my man some cookies and/or brownies. And I'll even put frosting on the brownies.

Jeff in the duck blind. His favorite place in the whole wide world.

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