Um, he broke my rule. After he opened his presents and I opened my lotion AND gift certificate he went and got a heavy box and plopped it down in front of me. After my initial protesting and mild chastising for spending more money on me, I tore off the paper to find this beauty.
A gorgeous shiny Kitchenaid Artisan stand mixer. I have been dreaming about one of these since I was about ten or so, but because of the price and space limitations, I could never bring myself to splurge on one. It was always on my dream list of items for the future when we had more space/money. Well, I made the space. This thing is AWESOME! I made an initial batch of chocolate chip cookies (those are Jeff's favorite and well, since he got me the mixer, it only seemed right) and the next night I used it to make pizza crust for some awesome homemade pizza! I am most excited about being able to make bread. I am getting arthritis in my hands (yes, at 26. Genetics are fun...) and the few times I have attempted to make bread the kneading has always been painful. I thought about a bread machine but the loaves are always the same and I love the look of hand shaped artisan loaves and having that chewy top crust on every slice. You just don't get that out of a bread machine. I can't wait to slice into my first loaf!
Unfortunately most of my spare time now will be spent getting my mom's new house ready for my sister who will be visiting next week. Not that I'm not ecstatic about my sister (and my precious sweet niece) coming to see us, but my baby will just be sitting there in the kitchen, all alone, quiet, and still. Patiently waiting to cream butter and sugar, or knead some warm dough, or mix up a meringue. Soon, my dear, soon we will be together in all of our baking glory....