Saturday, December 20, 2008

Here are a few pictures I took from the ice storm. For as many problems as the ice causes it is nice to be able to stop for a moment and see how pretty it makes everything. Being in the hardware business though those moments are all too fleeting and then we have to get back to the business of dealing with the aftermath.

Oh! Guess who came to visit us at the hardware store today......

And our other favorite visitor Melina is sitting on his lap!

Happy Winter and Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Some warm fuzzies for this very cold day :)

My sister's dogs again. I think she actually trains them to just be cute. Here Mia and Spencer fell asleep hugging each other. All together now..Awwww!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's Christmas Program time!

Last night McKenna and Jonah's preschool had their Christmas program in the Notre Dame auditorium. Jonah's class went first, then there was a class in between, and McKenna's was last. Jonah spotted Noah in the middle of "Away in a Manger" and shouted out "Noah! You're here!". Everybody just chuckled. It was a cute program and the kids did very well.

Jonah saw the flash from my camera and then looked straight at me for this shot. One of the few times you'll see a halo on him :)

Here he's singing "Up on the Housetop".

They asked McKenna to be Mary in the nativity but she wanted to be the cow instead. I guess just like her aunt she'd rather be the backup singer than the lead :)

Here she is with the rest of the manger scene. I love that "Mary" is waving in the middle of the song. Too cute!